Holding back the giggles

clement1So, if you photograph children or… well… if you even have multiple children – you know that a portrait session with multiple children involved can be a bit of a challenge.  It can be quite a game getting everyone in the right position and looking the right direction.  Honestly, it can be a challenge just getting any child just to come within range of the frame.  Don’t get me wrong… that is a large part of why I love photographing toddlers.  They make it new, fun, different every session I have – it is impossible to get bored!  The family photo was all in position… minus Finn, as he has the super energy that every 2 year old boy typically does and didn’t want near anyone.  So we plopped him down with his blanket and nuk (binky, bubble… whatever you choose to call it), and luckily we had grandma’s quick hands close by – with a little giggle from Finn and everyone else in the family each time.  Pulling the nuk & blanket between every shot so that we could get him to stay in place.  You have to laugh… he is one of the cutest kids I’ve met and a personality to match.  Ewan hung in there and was the “big brother” and we couldn’t have done it without his great cooperation too.  I want to set a big congratulations to the Clements on there newest addition to clement3the family Duncan!!!!clement2

One thought on “Holding back the giggles

  1. What a beautiful family photograph, this may be the first photo i’ve seen in years that brought a tear to my eye and a warm feeling in my heart, while viewing I dropped my laptop on my foot, causing me to spill my coffee on my chest. Not to worry all is ok now! Good luck and I certainly hope Duncan will be allowed to root for the sports team of his choice. Congrats Meg & Brian, ‘your gonna need a bigger boat’ to paraphrase Richard Dryfus in Jaws.


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